What is Cloud Server?
Cloud servers mean virtual servers which run on cloud computing environment. That is why very often Cloud Servers are referred to as Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS). Cloud servers run as software-independent units. This means that a cloud server has all the software it requires to run and does not depend on any centrally-installed software.
Benefit of Cloud Server:
1. Freedom to modify all the server software to your needs.
2. Stability and security because a software problem is isolated from and to your environment.
3. Cloud servers are economically more efficient than the standard dedicated servers. For a similar price, with cloud servers you will receive more resources and your server will be faster. In web hosting terms, your site will run faster on a cloud hosting server if you compare it to a traditional server with similar price.
Buy & Setup Server from Google Cloud
- Visit cloud.google.com
- If you're new user & have a credit card, then you get $300 free credit remain valid for 90 days to test Google Cloud services. Just add your card number, expiry date & CVV to get this credit. However, be assured that, your card is not billed until you permit Google to do so.
- Sign Up / Login with Gmail account. To setup your server, you need Compute Engine. But what Compute Engine is? Compute Engine lets you use virtual machines that run on Google's infrastructure. You can choose from micro-VMs to large instances running Debian, Windows, or other standard images.
- Now go to Console (top right corner) => Compute engine => VM (Virtual Machine) Instances => Create.
- The new page opens. Now
- enter name,
- zone (data center),
- machine type (customize CPU core & RAM),
- Boot disk (click on change to choose OS image e.g. UBUNTU 17.04) and boot disk size.
- in the Firewall section check HTTP & HTTPS traffic,
- edit Networking section ( Network Interfaces => custom primary internal IP; External IP => create & reserve IP address. then click on "Done" tab )
- add SSH keys (download putty to your pc) => run PuTTYgen => click on Generate => mouse over the blank area to create key => public key is generated => in the key comment add your username (e.g. jayanta) => enter & confirm passphrase => click on "Save Private Key" to save it your pc => copy the whole public key and paste it to box under SSH keys section.
- See the estimated monthly cost & finally click on create.
- Within 2 minutes your server is created with the reserved External IP address that you created. Now open putty.
- Putty => host name (external ip address) => in the category section (left side) choose Connection => SSH => Auth => browse private key (that you save it to your pc) => Open => enter username (that you give at key comment in step 5) & passphrase.
- Now you've to enable root access. To do this
sudo su - (enter to root)
passwd root (enter & retype root password)
passwd -u root (password expiry information changed)
- Now you've to enable root access by this way:
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Edit or uncomment the following lines as we write:
i. PermitRootLogin without-password or PermitRootLogin prohibit-password to PermitRootLogin yes
ii. PasswordAuthentication no to PasswordAuthentication yes
- Finally
Ctrl+X, Y, Enter (to save)
- service ssh restart (restart SSH to save these changes)
- Now you've to set timezone. For this
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
& choose Asia => Kolkata. (or, your local timezone)
- To check timezone, use the command:
- You server is now ready for further softwares installation. You can now proceed to install nginx or apache, PHP, mySQL, phpMyAdmin & others.