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Online English Dictionary
Word meaning with PartsOfSpeech, Examples, Antonyms & Synonyms from various popular sources:
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W3.CSS Built-In Responsiveness


W3.CSS includes a responsive, mobile-first grid system to handle layout and the columns will re-arrange automatically depending on the screen size.

  • w3-half: Occupies 1/2 of the window (on medium and large screens).
  • w3-third: Occupies 1/3 of the window (on medium and large screens).
  • w3-twothird: Occupies 2/3 of the window (on medium and large screens).
  • w3-quarter: Occupies 1/4 of the window (on medium and large screens).
  • w3-threequarter: Occupies 3/4 of the window (on medium and large screens).
  • w3-rest: Occupies the rest of the column width.
  • w3-col: Defines one column in a 12-column responsive grid.
  • w3-mobile: Adds mobile-first responsiveness to a cell (column). Displays elements as block elements on mobile devices.
  • The responsive classes above must be placed inside a w3-row class (or w3-row-padding class) to be fully responsive.

  • w3-row: Container for responsive classes, with no padding.
  • w3-row-padding: Container for responsive classes, with 8px left and right padding.
  • w3-content: Container for fixed size centered content.

  • w3-hide-small: Hides content on small screens (less than 601px)
  • w3-hide-medium: Hides content on medium screens.
  • w3-hide-large: Hides content on large screens (larger than 992px).

  • l1 - l12: Responsive sizes for large screens.
  • m1 - m12: Responsive sizes for medium screens.
  • s1 - s12: Responsive sizes for small screens.
