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W3.CSS Layout

Layout Classes

W3.CSS version 2.90 / 2.91 introduced the following classes for "column-like" layout:

  • w3-cell-row: is a container for w3-cell classes (columns). The default width is 100%. You can change its width by style="width:75%"
  • w3-cell: class redefines block elements to display horizontally (like table cells) [Layout cell (column)]. The w3-cell class has a very nice built-in self adjusting standard. Side-by-side w3-cell elements will automatically adjust to the necessary width and also automatically self-adjust to equal height.
  • w3-cell-top: Aligns content at the top of a cell (column). [default]
  • w3-cell-middle: Aligns content at the vertical middle of a cell (column).
  • w3-cell-bottom: Aligns content at the bottom of a cell (column).
  • w3-mobile: Adds mobile-first responsiveness to a cell (column). Displays elements as block elements on mobile devices.

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