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Last Update: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 18:31:04

Online English Dictionary
Word meaning with PartsOfSpeech, Examples, Antonyms & Synonyms from various popular sources:
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W3.CSS Effects

Effect Classes

W3.CSS provides the following effects classes:

  • w3-opacity: Adds opacity/transparency to an element (opacity: 0.6)
  • w3-opacity-min: Adds opacity/transparency to an element (opacity: 0.75)
  • w3-opacity-max: Adds opacity/transparency to an element (opacity: 0.25)
  • w3-grayscale: Adds a grayscale effect to an element (grayscale: 75%)
  • w3-grayscale-min: Adds a grayscale effect to an element (grayscale: 50%)
  • w3-grayscale-max: Adds a grayscale effect to an element (grayscale: 100%)
  • w3-sepia: Adds a sepia effect to an element (sepia: 75%)
  • w3-sepia-min: Adds a sepia effect to an element (sepia: 50%)
  • w3-sepia-max: Adds a sepia effect to an element (sepia: 100%)
  • w3-hover-opacity: Adds transparency to an element on hover (opacity: 0.6)
  • w3-hover-grayscale: Adds a grayscale effect to an element on hover (grayscale: 100%)
  • w3-hover-sepia: Adds a sepia effect to an element on hover
